Sunday, June 6, 2010

To- Clean Laundry.

Oh how I love you.

Your smell!

Everything about that smell just reminds me of home. Of mum forever asking me to do the laundry, which I hate, but do anyway. Of the methylated spirits and water concoction she uses to spray the clothes she's ironing, and the way she gets to decide what's on tv while the ironing board is out. The gorgeous gardenias and their amazing perfume right next to the clothesline outside. The way the dogs come out to play when you're hanging up washing, thinking its actually easy to throw the ball without it landing on the roof from the little niche the clothesline hides behind. The way our clothes always smell better than other peoples, largely because of the extra cash we splash to buy the eco-friendly powder. And the overall smell of clean, friendly, homeliness.

Of course, it's also delicious how warm the towels are straight from the dryer, I love folding them up, and just holding them a while longer until all the warmth is gone...

Thank you for the memories. And the clean clothes!
Love, Rebekah.

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